Archive for Events

Weingarten Children’s Center – 32nd Annual Tee Off Fore Kids

Join us Monday, May 19, 2025 for our annual Tee Off Fore Kids golf tournament!  

Weingarten Children’s Center – 31st Annual Tee Off Fore Kids

Join us Monday, May 20, 2024 for our annual Tee Off Fore Kids golf tournament! Our alum speaker is Landry Agnich! This year our tournament will be held at the beautiful ocean course at Half Moon Bay Golf Links.

Parent Education: Looking Confidently Ahead: Transitioning to Mainstream

Presenter: Ronda Rufsvold, PhD, LSLS Cert. AVEd, Deaf and Hard of Hearing Specialized Teacher and Speech-Language Pathology Assistant  For our final learning session of the school year, join us to learn about preparing your child to make the leap to a mainstream education setting. Join us to learn…

Parent Education: Executive Functioning and Hearing Loss: The Foundation for Learning, Thinking, and Doing

Presenters: Sara Cline, Eryn McHan, Shannon Sharma LSL Specialized SLPs   Join us to learn about a very important, but less often discussed, domain of child development: Executive Functioning, also referred to as the “self-regulatory system.” In this learning session, our specialized speech-language pathologists will teach you about this…

Martin Luther King Jr. Day