Talk2Me™ Coach-assisted Parent Learning App is designed for parents of children who are deaf or hard of hearing ages 0-3. Talk2Me™ gives parents and caregivers skills to develop their children’s listening and spoken language.

Talk2Me™ offers:
Curriculum and lessons with support (from us or Early Start or both)
-Convenient! Use with your mobile phone or laptop any time
-Short (~3 minute) lessons focused on a specific activity, strategy or concept
-Does not depend on insurance
-Multiple family members can participate

Impact Statistics


lessons currently available


domains of development


Children in the U.S. age 0-3 who are deaf or hard of hearing

Our Programs Work

Great program! Thanks for doing this for all the families!

-Mother and Talk2Me™ Pilot Tester

Interested in our Talk2Me™ program?

Interested in our Talk2Me™ program?

We are looking for families and Early Start service providers to try out lessons and let us know what works and what can be improved. You can start to benefit from the App before it’s offered more widely. Let us know if you are interested.

The Talk2Me™ Path to Listening and Spoken Language

The Talk2Me™ Path to Listening and Spoken Language

Talk2Me™ walks users and coaches through the six domains (listening, receptive language, expressive language, speech, cognition, and pragmatics/social skills) of Foundation for Hearing Research’s proven cognitive curriculum.

Try Our
Sample Lesson

Try Our
Sample Lesson


1. Register with us, download Canvas Learning Management System to your phone or laptop, and click on the first lesson.

2. Each short (~3 minute) lesson contains one idea for a parent or caregiver and most have an activity to do with a child, with instructions on what to look for to see results.

3. The lessons build the parents’ skills and knowledge as the child learns to listen and speak.

Talk2Me™ is designed to be usable by parents without a coach.

Some advances are easy to see, and Talk2Me™ will point them out. Talk2Me™ gives you information on how far you’ve progressed, your child’s achievements, and adult skills you’ve mastered.

We think of “hearing age”, which is when the child first has access to sound with hearing aids or cochlear implants. It’s never too early! And Talk2Me™ can also start when a child has already begun to make progress. Your coach can identify where you should start.

Usually, the coach is your Early Start service provider, who can encourage and help you as you progress through the Talk2Me™ lessons.

Yes! Talk2Me™ can be used by every family member, and at a time that is convenient to watch a lesson. This allows multiple members of the family to help the child learn listening and spoken language.

Talk2Me™ is designed to take you and your child through the first three years of hearing.

Get Involved

Get Involved

There are lots of different ways to get involved in our Talk2Me™ program. We’re currently looking for investors, Board Members, and technical advisors to join our team, as well as field professionals to join our teaching staff. We also welcome donations and investments to support the success of the program! Please contact us if you are learning more or support us with a donation today.

Let us know how we can help.

If you have any questions about Foundation for Hearing Research or any of our four proven programs, please reach out and ask. We are here to help!

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